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Description: We have collected, prepared, and publicly released a novel CirrMRI600+ dataset for cirrhotic liver research. This dataset comprises 628 abdominal MRI scans (310 T1-weighted (T1W) and 318 T2-weighted (T2W)) volumetric scans along with corresponding segmentation masks annotated by physicians. CirrMRI600+ is a single-center, multivendor, and multisequence dataset. To our knowledge, CirrMRI600+ is the first dataset designed explicitly for liver cirrhosis research and incorporates both T1W and T2W MRI images.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


According to the 2023 update, liver disease causes two million deaths per year and accounts for 4% of all global deaths. Chronic liver disease (CLD) and cirrhosis are the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. Early detection of cirrhosis allows for timely interventions to limit disease progression. To address this, we collected and manually segmented 310 T1 and 318 T2 abdomen MRI imag…


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